LA CASA DEI MIEI SOGNI (The house of my dreams). It’s a wall drawing conceived for children’s bedrooms-nests. Using the wall of the bedroom as a canvas, the artist draws empty shapes, outlines of geometric figures including the rectangle and the square of various dimensions. Children will take active part in the wall painting by coloring the shapes forms as they want. They will fill up forms using different colors, just to create something that resembles the rooms in an apartment’s layout. Every room has its shape and color, according to the imagination and the creativity of its little owners. By adding shapes and colors children will be able to choose the house where to live in their imagination.
Loads of sounds are here around
Some are hiding under round!
Stop and try to listen up
See how many you can catch!
Shush your eyes to make no sound
Tell your ears to look around!
And now try to figure out
All the shapes that can be found
With some color and a magic wound
All that’s white will then blow out!
The project also includes all the sounds of this imaginary house. The idea is to record familiar noises inside children apartments focusing on each room with its characteristic noises. All sounds will be edited as a sort of radio play that the child can listen and acknowledge as his echoing house playing.