panettone is on the table - December 1st -

panettone is on the table is a project by unduetrestella, a special advent calendar made of beloved recipes.
December 1st - 24 days to Christmas
recipe: Gromperekichelcher by Studio delle Alpi
plate: Royal Copenhagen - Christmas edition, 1980



On the occasion of its reopening, Monnaie de Paris presents Chocolate Factory: an
exhibition by Paul McCarthy. Amazing!

Chocolate Factory 
from 25 October 2014 to 4 January 2015

photo credits: © Didier PLOWY


Architektur für Kinder: Zürichs Spielplätze

The exhibition Architecture for Children: Zurich’s Playgrounds traces the vibrant history of Zurich playgrounds since 1950, using films, slides, blueprints, and photographs from private and public archives. 

Architektur für Kinder: Zürichs Spielplätze
6 November – 10 December 2014
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg, HIL, gta exhibitions

Curated by Gabriela Burkhalter, in collaboration with gta Archiv (ETH Zurich), Baugeschichtliches Archiv, Zurich and ASLA Archiv für Schweizer Landschaftsarchitektur, Rapperswil.

all photo credits here



This amazing project by Rachel Boxnboim, starts when Rachel decided to sew a teapot, based on her mother's old teapot measurements. She uses different fabrics with different pattern as a mold. During the kiln-firing process, the fabric burns away, leaving a thin cloth-like layer of clay, imprinted with the texture of the original mold. 

photo credit: Oded Antman

A M A Z I N G !



One hundred tonnes of inland ice from Greenland melt on Copenhagen City Hall Square. With Ice Watch, Olafur Eliasson and Minik Rosing direct attention to the publication of the IPCC’s 5th Assessment Report on the Climate.

Ice watch is a project by Olafur Eliasson and Minik Rosing.

26–29 October 2014
City Hall Square, Copenhagen

Photo credit for Copenhagen pictures from 1 to 7: Anders Sune Berg 
Photo credit for Greenland pictures from 8 to 14: Group Greenland



Koa Koa is a monthly subscription service that offers creative and educational activities for kids starting from 5 years old.  Delivered each month right to your door, the boxes contain all the material and instructions to ensure new and engaging experiences.



The Roll is the new project by UTZON Kids. It's perfect for playful, imaginative kids as it transforms into so many different shapes. One minute, it’s a chair, then a lounger, and next a little cave to hide in.
A M A Z I N G :)


IO House Light

IO House Light by IO Kids Design, is a project inspired by a child’s wish for ‘an interesting light that would make her think and imagine things’. It combines the mystery of the not-quite-seen with the reassurance of a warm glow. 

S U P E R !



Vestiges, by the artist Alice Mulliez, is an installation made by white sugar and presented at Cent-quatre, Paris. Incredible! 

Photo credit: Marc Dommage, Ereil Perrodo.


GARTENKINDER by Carsten Höller

Carsten Höller
Gagosian Gallery’s stand at Frieze Art Fair 2014, London

Photographs by Linda Nylind.
Courtesy of Linda Nylind/Frieze.


MARCELLO by Marcello Maloberti

Marcello Maloberti 

Installation view, Galleria Raffaella Cortese (24 september – 13 november 2014)
photographs by Lorenzo Palmieri (with the exception of the last one)

Courtesy of the artist and Galleria Raffaella Cortese, Milano


ABC Cork Design

This new project by Paratelier is inspired by the children's book, published by Corraini Editore "ABC con fantasia" by Bruno Munari, a book that plays with the typography of the letters of the alphabet and becomes a moment of playing and learning for the children. That's how this collection of children's cork furniture for outdoor was born!

ABC Cork Design by Paratelier with LENHOLENTO.



Judith Hopf
Flock of sheep

installation view, 8th Liverpool Biennial, Liverpool, 2014
photograph by Mark Mcnulty 

Courtesy of the artist and kaufmann repetto, Milano/New York


Play YET !

Play YET ! is a great project by smarin that enables you to create temporary storage space, divide up nomadic areas and create playgrounds of all types.

S U P E R !


PIERO MANZONI - Fausto Gilberti

Piero Manzoni was an Italian artist and you can't miss this brand new book, where Fausto Gilberti tells us how great he was. Edited by Corraini. 



This is a great work by Jeppe Hein, Distance (solo), LIFE et le Grand Café, Saint-Nazaire, France, till October 5, 2014. DO NOT MISS !



L A V A: Lemons and Volcanic Activity 

"A fun space with a playful take on childhood dreams is a development of my own design language based on illustration and drawing. I invite you to drink refreshing, homemade lemonade from handmade cups, sit on unique chairs, pop lemonade balloons, talk and meet new friends" says Ola Mirecka, designer from Poland. Super project ! Enjoy

Photos by Wai Ming Ng


Sonno gigante, sonno piccino is a a wonderful (italian) book on the great charm and mystery of our nap: a sort of rainbow between our wakefulness and our sleep. Text is by Giusy Quarenghi and illustrations and graphics by Giulia Sagramola. Topi Pittori is the publisher. BRAVI!

Petits Riens du Tout

Biodegradable plates by Martine Camilleri! Super!