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unduetrestella conceives and realizes workshops for kids concerning food and nutrition.  Every meal must be, first of all, good and healthy, but it can be also pretty and nice. unduetrestella promotes special workshops where biscuits become art works, pages of illustrated books, alphabet letters to learn writing, fantastic trees with many sweet leaves to eat… 

ARENA FAMILY LAB, April 2016 at Nap Cup, Milano. A creative workshop for children with coloured soap bubbles to free imagination and to create an underwater world about waves and marine animals.

UN DOLCE REGALO PER TE..., February 2016 at il nido scuola Clorofilla, Milano. A tasty snack where the protagonist is the classic Pernigottichocolate bar. Unduetrestella prepares a sheet with the patterns of the figurines of the little Prince (her rose, his planet and the Fox). With their imagination children turn them into their world of fantasy with crayons, markers, rubber stamps and stickers. The whole becomes a unique gift for someone special. 

MY VEGETABLE CERAMIC GARDEN (part 2), June 2015. At Mercato Metropolitano, Milano. unduetrestella in collaboration with MV% Ceramics Design. With the help of the designer and architect Mariavera Chiari, the kids paint their little fruits and vegetables made of ceramics. 

MY VEGETABLE CERAMIC GARDEN, June 2015. At Mercato Metropolitano, Milano. unduetrestella in collaboration with MV% Ceramics Design. With the help of the designer and architect Mariavera Chiari, the kids make their own favourite vegetables with a special material: ceramics. 

FRUITS and FLOWERS with soap bubbles, maggio 2015. At Mercato Metropolitano, Milano. Kids draw flowers and fruits with soap bubbles. How many bubbles do you need to make a strawberry?

ORSETTO, VUOI UNA CARAMELLA ARCOBALENO? octobre 2014. In the occasion of Uovokids 2014, at Museo della Scienza e della Tecnica, Milan. 

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY, may 2014. During this workshop, the kids of a third grade elementary school, have prepared some sugar flowers to decorate biscuits to gift to their mothers. 

A special thank to F.lli Rebecchi for the sugar paste.

C'era una volta una A…,  October 2012. In the occasion of Uovokids Festival, Museo della Scienza e della Tecnica, Milan.

MINIMONDI, march 2012. In collaboration with ElectaKids in the occasione of XII FESTIVAL DI LETTERATURA E ILLUSTRAZIONE PER RAGAZZI, PARMA. Lab inspired by Il mio album dei colori per imparare a dipingere book, by Pascale Estellon.

BACK TO SCHOOL, FAY JUNIOR, September 2012. In cohoperation with FAY Junior and Vogue Bambini. 

BACK TO SCHOOL, September 2012. In cohoperation with Le Civette sul comò, Milan. 

BACK TO SCHOOL, September 2012. September 2012, at unduetrestella STORE, Milan. 

RI-GENERAZIONI, march 2012. In the occasion of Genitori e figli. Finalmente insieme. Arte, cultura, teatro, in collaboration with Zona K | Via Spalato 11, Milan. 

COSA CI VUOLE PER FARE UN ALBERO?, 2011. In the occasion of Uovokids Festival, 2011, Museo della Scienza e della Tecnica, Milan.