Thanks Pirouette!

"I was extremely happy to hear about Kidsroomzoom as the "Salone del Mobile" in Milan was really lacking children's furniture, especially the last edition. A part from Perludi and unduetrestella, there was hardly anything, so this is a huge step forward. It is really good to witness that more and more visibility is given to children's furniture, the December 2010 Pierre Berge & Associates auction being one of the best examples. I am always looking for innovative and beautifully designed products to feature on Pirouette, a blog I started a little bit over a year ago and that covers areas such as fashion, design, events, books and more. I remember receiving lots of comments after I wrote an article on "Booktree" by Kostas Syrtariotis in September 2010. Kidsroomszoom brings a fresh approach to children's design and I can't wait to visit Milan in April for another edition of the Furniture Fair" Florence Rolando