How is your bed? It is an old pull-out childrens bed. It is greay and equipped with oldfashion decorations. I love it.
Which kind of meal you do not like? I hate liver – it is supposed to be very nutrisious but I can’t swallow one single piece. And your favourite? My favourite is cream of wheat with a sauce of strawberrys.
Your favorite book to read? I am 5, I cannot read – however I love to view the old thick and very heavy bible with the amazing illustrations of Gustaf Doré but from these realistic illustrations I can imagine all sorts of exiting events.
Have you got an imaginary friend? No, all my friends are very much alive and at that point and time the village is full of interesting people – my grandfather has a textile factory and lots of animals (cows, sheeps and horses) – there is no lack of friends – both with two legs as well as four legged once!