MARTA VELUDO, designer
How is your bed? My bed it's a foam boat with gradient colors, crystals and weird smells. In the top, where my head is, there are some music boxes, which one with an old melody. In the bottom, where my feet are I have some wool pillows and i'm covered by 50 small and thin blankets which one with a different pattern, that in the sun light i can see through them and make new patterns.
Which kind of meal you do not like? And your favorite? I don't like peas with poached eggs, bllrrrrggggg, And my favorite it's apple pie from my grandmother. My favorite book to read? Hum, I guess that my favorite book to read it's Pebble Island, a comic from Jon McNaught and published by Nobrow. You don't actually read, you just see images, really beautiful images and magic stories. Have you got an imaginary friend? Yes I have. He is from Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego, and he is a warrior and a fisherman. He tells me stories about whales and mermaids and how we fought for his values and ideals.