We want to introduce you to the Five Fields Play Structure by the designers at Matter Design and FR|SCH Projects: a communal play structure for the historic neighborhood ‘Five Fields’ in Lexington (Massachusetts) designed and developed in the early 1950s by the Architects Collaborative (TAC) who sought to foster community through creating shared, common land.
The project is a landscape for childish exploration. It shuns function and standard, in favor of liberation. The structure cultivates a child’s—and adults—imagination through play. It encourages inventiveness through its unfolding, discoverable spaces. The playscape is tailored to child size, but still accessible to adults. It prioritizes the child user, in order to both liberate and educate. It invites the older user to reminisce, and rediscover. The structure is a space for collective imagining and celebrating of all ages.
We think it’s a wonderful way of thinking, good job!