Elsa Dray-Farges is born in 1985, graduated from ENSAAMA in Paris in 2006, and from the Gerrit Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam in 2009.
We found out her creations, sculptures and illustrations tailored for showcases and events, and we totally love her colorful, joyful work, always borrowed from a certain melancholy.
She works with several clients who come from a variety of backgrounds such as fashion (Hermès, Tommy Hilfiger, Aesics), decoration (Anne-Claire Petit), the press (Télérama, Kid’s Wear, Grazia Casa, Psychologie Mag), the theater (Les Possédés, l’Avantage du doute).

Credit photo:
1, 2, 3 e 4: Eve Campestrini
5 e 6: Charles Maze