Cambio is an ongoing investigation into the extraction, production and distribution of wood products by the Italian designer duo Formafantasma.
Curated by Hans Ulrich Obrist and Rebecca Lewin, in Italy with Cristiana Perrella, the exhibition analyzes the supply chain of the carpentry industry, one of the most impactful production activities both in economic terms than ecological.
This multidisciplinary exhibition highlights the crucial role that design can play in our environment, and its responsibility to look beyond the edges of its borders. The future of design can and must attempt to translate emerging environmental awareness into a renewed understanding of the philosophy and politics of trees that will encourage informed, collaborative responses.
For the exhibition in Prato, the reflections conducted by the original project will be the subject of new combinations and further suggestions, such as the comparison with Giuseppe Penone's long-term research on trees.
Until October 24 at Centro per l'arte contemporanea Luigi Pecci!

Photo credits:

Pic 1: 
Formafantasma, BEKVAM, 2020, installation view, Formafantasma. Cambio, Centro per l'arte contemporanea Luigi Pecci, 2021. Pic © Ela Bialkowska.

Pic 2: 
Formafantasma, The Archive of Lost Forests, 2020 (detail), installation view, Formafantasma. Cambio, Centro per l'arte contemporanea Luigi Pecci, 2021. Pic © Ela Bialkowska.

Pic 3:
Formafantasma, The Archive of Lost Forests, 2020, installation view, Formafantasma. Cambio, Centro per l'arte contemporanea Luigi Pecci, 2021. Pic © Ela Bialkowska.

Pics 4, 5 and 7:
Installation view, Formafantasma. Cambio, Centro per l'arte contemporanea Luigi Pecci, 2021. Pic © Ela Bialkowska.

Pic 6:
Formafantasma, The Archive of Lost Forests, 2020 (detail), installation view, Formafantasma. Cambio, Centro per l'arte contemporanea Luigi Pecci, 2021. Pic © Ela Bialkowska.

Pic 8: 
Formafantasma, 51 years, 2020, installation view, Formafantasma. Cambio, Centro per l'arte contemporanea Luigi Pecci, 2021. Pic © Ela Bialkowska.