We are proud to announce the release of 1, subtitled Viceversa, the first numbered silent book edited by the new independent publishing house Matita, on sale from 12 June 2023. 
1, Viceversa, is curated by the founder of AMArchitectrue studio, Stefania Agostini and Luca Mostarda, and illustrated by the French artist Catherine Cordasco1 is for those who were children between the 1980s and 1990s and for those who are children today, in 2020. It is the lived story of a faceless child who grows up, from the 1980s until 2020, and he becomes an adult and a parent. It is a story that puts into images eleven scenes of everyday life, past and present. 1 silently tells the story of forty years of a life that could belong to anyone, an inclusive story that could take place anywhere: the locations include a bedroom, a kitchen, a street, a school corridor, a playground, a train compartment, a swimming pool, among others, and contain a multitude of details that take the adult reader on a journey through time to share with their children.