ANAIS MOREL, designer, Les M
How is your bed? So big than I can hide me inside Which kind of meal you do not like? I really hate the brussels sprout
And your favourite? The alphabet soup!
Your favourite book to read? Hansel and Gretel Have you got an imaginary friend? No but when i sleep i often imagine that my dolls are alive.
CELINE MERHAND, designer, Les M How is your bed? Mine is too big for me and full of cushions
Which kind of meal you do not like? Brussels sprout !
And your favourite? My father’s apple pie is the best.
Your favourite book to read? “Martine fait la cuisine” (“Martine is cooking”). Martine tells her everyday stories and when she’s cooking there is the recipe! It’s how i learned to make French toast for example. I really enjoy it!
Have you got an imaginary friend? All my friends are for real!
Super pillow-cocoon
"Pillow" workshop for children by Les M design studio at the Centre Pompidou-Metz till 16th January 2012 ! Do not miss!
Materials: polyether foam, polystyrene and fabrics,500 x 380 x 55 cm. Photos Credits: Valérie Tholl.