SATOSHI ITASAKA, designer, h220430
How is your bed? My bed is a bunk bed. An older brother sleeps below. Snoring of the older brother is noisy!
Which kind of meal you do not like? There is not the food which I do not like. And your favourite? I like curry and rice.
Your favorite book to read? I love animal illustrated books. I open it, and I draw the picture of the animal. Have you got an imaginary friend? I am brought up in the area where nature is rich. There are a lot of trees and plants and insects and animals and fish.They are my friends.
h220430 from Japan
balloon bench...
and EVA chair!
Satoshi Itasaka and Takuto Usami collaborated to establish "h220430" on April 30th, Heisei 22 (Heisei is the current era name in japan). Do not forget!