ABIGAIL BROWN, textile artist
How is your bed? It’s covered in a quilt made by my mum and hundreds of teddies!
Which kind of meal you do not like? Spaghetti bolognaise because it made me sick. And your favourite? Leek and ham au gratin.
Your favorite book to read? The Hairy Toe.
Have you got an imaginary friend? A magpie called Peter.
Cip-Cip, let's fly!
'My grandma had a beautiful patchwork bag she kept all her fabric scraps in, ‘ the raggy bag’, and when I was old enough to display my feelings of desire for this magical object full of wondrous bits of colour, pattern and texture, she made me my very own, much littler version.' says Abigail Brown, textile artisan and artist of these wonderful creations!