PATRICIA, AboutStek, designer
How is your bed? I have a simple, metal bed with a lovely soft blanket in pastel tints from the sixties. I love to sleep under the blanket, without a sheet in between, because it is so soft.
Which kind of meal you do not like? I don’t like sprouts and watermelon, the melon because once I ate to much of it. And your favourite? My favourite meal is hering preserved in vinegar, with eggsauce and white beans. My mother tells me that I should not eat this when my friends come over for dinner, because they probably would not like this.
Your favorite book to read? I really love it when my mother or father reads for me, especially Floddertje, written by Annie M.G. Schmidt. It is about a very dirty girl with a very dirty dog.
Have you got an imaginary friend? No, my friends are for real. But instead of playing with dolls, I play with cuddly animals. I put them clothes on and also diapers.