The Island of Dr. Mastrovito, Governors Island, New York. Installation by the Italian artist Andrea Mastrovito.
ANDREA MASTROVITO, artistHow is your bed? My bed is built in a big ’70s wardrobe. Between the wardrobe and my bed there are some shelves at 30cm from the matress. I love to squeeze myself in between, to feel myself safe and cuddled during the night. I love blue sheets with white spots. When I wake up for a bad nightmare, I switch on the light and I open my Topolino: just watching the images!
Which is the meal you do not like at all? I hate carrots. I had to eat kilos of carrots when I had gastroenteritis. for this reason they are crap! Your favorite meal? I love the omelette that mum prepares. I image to eat it with beans and sauces like Bud Spencer and Terence Hill in Lo chiamavano Trinità western movie.
Your favourite book? I do not read because I cannot. I watch the images from Topolino and I wonder what are those black signs into the white ballons.
Have you got an imaginary friend? No I haven’t. Only imaginary enemies from whom I have to fight to save the world!