How is your bed? My brother and I sleep in two big orange beds on a mezzanine, divided by a shelf full of books and toys and a stair to climb.
Which kind of meal you do not like? I really do not like beet because it is too sweet: a vegetable cannot be sweet! And your favourite? I love Rita’s coltolette and the fried potatoes (a bit schorced)
Your favorite book to read? I love the Barbapapa books because in their drawings I can see the houses interiors with a lot of colorful details!
Have you got an imaginary friend? No, I have noy. My brother is enough. I like to invent stories and new characters playing with my toys.
Lino and LIna
Lino and Lina stools by Carlotta Zucca. Thanks to her grampa Baffo and his first stool made for her little!