James Turrell, Aten Reign, 2013, Daylight and LED light, dimensions variable
© James Turrell. Installation view: James Turrell, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, June 21–September 25, 2013. Photo: David Heald © Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, New York
Venice Biennale!
Thanks to our special reporters from Venice Biennale's The Encyclopedic Palace, Teodoro Lupo and Federica Tattoli.
Artists: Ai Wei Wei, Sara Sze, Fischli & Weiss, Matias Poledna, Vladimir Peric, Milos Tomic, Petra Feriancova and Oliver Croy,
Leandro Erlich
In perception, installation by the artist Leandro Erlich at Le CentQuatre, Paris. S U P E R !