GABRIELE GALIMBERTI, photographer How is your bed? Soooooooo confortable!!!! Which kind of meal you do not like? I don’t like anchovies, actually i hate them! And your favourite? My favourite is pizza! Your favorite book to read? I just play with my electric train, i don’t like books, even because i’m 5 and i can’t read yet! Have you got an imaginary friend? Yes, he’s a monkey and his name is Bingo Bongo
Toy Stories
Toy Stories is the in-progress-project by the Italian photographer Gabriele Galimberti
"Who doesn’t remember a favorite childhood toy? All kids have one. Rich or poor, all children have a chosen one, one they love the most. How can I forget that doll with a broken eye? It was ugly but had no rivals. And it was my favorite, no doubt. Gabriele Galimberti, during his tour around the world, explores this phenomenon with gentle irony and loving attention. The idea starting by chance while photographing a young Italian girl from Tuscany. Now it has become a photographic series that is mapping children’s worlds in an almost obsessive way. The toy stories of our times". Arianna Rinaldo