Neritagli: dame, elephant, cock, dino, rabbit: laser cutted plexiglas sculptures by Ruggero Asnagho. S U P E R !
Cloth and thread
Mice, cats and elephants by Cloth and Thread. S U P E R !
Home zoo covers
Home zoo covers by Silvia Knüppel: a big Orca, a small Orca and a Sea lion. It's a a collection of covers for inflatable plastic beach animals. In summertime the covers can be put off and the animals are again ready for the beach. SUPER!
Let's play PEPeTo! Fantastic!
Handmade cars!
Super handmade cars realized by Jesco von Puttkamer from a piece of metal! Real artworks! BRUUMM!
brum brum !
"Sannaka" by Alicucio!
Let's play with Anita & co!
Anita (little chicken), Annibeth (little bird), Vincenzo (little donkey ), Giotto (little sausace dog), Frivolo (little fish) are puppet animals ideated by Maria Piovano! Grembiulacci and bavagliacci are from Maria's cooking clothing collection LINE KARKLUDE, realized from old dishtowels (called strofinacci in Italian)... S U P E R !
Nuages... clouds
S U P E R soft clouds for little kids by Zu !
Say cheese !
The Juice Box Camera : a 35mm camera for lo-fi snaps and gorgeous vignetting! SMILE !
Plastique ludique in Paris
Lorsque j’ai dessiné les différents petits animaux, j’avais avant tout à l’esprit l’idée que l’enfant puisse jouer avec le jouet de la façon la plus créative possible ( Libuše Niklová)
Plastique ludique : Libuše Niklová (1934-1981), designer de jouets 9 June–6 November 2011
Les Arts Décoratifs /107 rue de Rivoli / Paris
paper balloons for the week end!
Collective Paper Aesthetics
Collective Paper Aesthetics, November 2010, Noa Haim
Collective Paper Aesthetics is a civic game in design models; reloading Buckminster Fuller Octet-truss patent to a series of explorations in objects, space and experience.
…On the contrary to a Blanc reference point Collective Paper Aesthetics is starting with a print proof. Simply take a tour around the room in your mind, fold and un-fold it, puzzle it and frame your special moments. The known and the unknown are visualized from one same yet different pre-cycled building block. Everyone can play a designer.
Collective Paper Aesthetics is a civic game in design models – Can everyone be a citymaker? The work is translating a site specific installation made for London Festival of Architecture 2008 to a participatory activity, construction toy, household accessories and visual merchandizing.
Please smile!
Wood machines by Arcangelo Alicucio
How is your bed? Nice and soft with some toys, nice sweet cuddly animals in the room i have pictures of all kind of animals specially dogs and rabbits my favourites
Which kind of meal you do not like? and your favourite? I dont like apple-juice and I love pasta and sushi
Your favorite book to read? Alice in wonderland, Olivia. I love Wallace and Gromit movies.
Have you got an imaginary friend? No but i like to draw sketches of immaginarie farmhouses with a lot of animals,
Let's move puppets together !
house hat
toys or hats? all made by Suki...