JEANNE SUSPLUGAS, artist ... on the beach at Sète, in the South of France. I love to go there with my family and my grand parents!
Happy birthday Mr Men!
Mr. Men is a series of 48 children's books by Roger Hargreaves commencing in 1971... Today it's his 40th birthday!
ILYA, r u on holiday?
Ilya, designer, kidsonroof
If girls like pink, boys love war. we cant refuse this fact. Paying visit to museum of military history, open air expositions, places of battles, even old Greek ruins was not enough. Anywhere. it could be my very favorite place. Simferopol (see picture town centre, me &T34 glorious soviet tank), an after Sevastopol, this Black Sea harbour have it all.I was at Crimea once. At that summer time gave my mother lessons to young geologists camps of Moscow university. Her teaching course was almost done, when my father and me arrived. It was late. We had an exiting journey: three hours by trolleybus to Sebastopol. I knew only short distance trips, but this. I was hyper exited and exhausted, I remember I was trying to tell my mom about all that everything I've seen. But I was only five years old.I read that pictures help to capture the memories. That's right. So pity, in 1972 we didn't make so many photographs like we do now. But specifically this picture is now supported by memory.
ORIANA PICENNI, Vogue Bambini journalist
How is your bed? My bed is cream and chocolate coloured with a big flowers bedspread. My bed is the same of my sister’s one. On the cream part I have sticked some cardscourg which help me dreaming! Which kind of meal you do not like? I do not like courgettes! I cannot swallow them! And your favourite? I love cotoletta especially because my mum is used to cook it with a lot of fried potatoes. Your favorite book to read? I do not like books to much. I have a red record player. My favourite records are those of Little Match Girl, and of Little Red Riding Hood. I love listening them wile mum is preparing my lunch. Have you got an imaginary friend? I have tried once to image one but I have forgotten to talk to him... he was too boring! I love chatting with my dolls.
LILIANE, designer My favourite holiday-place is an atmosphere. A healty, loving familie life. Soul-connections... Freedom... Strength... Vision... Air filled with a undercurrent sparkling of promises. If so, then I hop! JUST HAPPY
vegetable to... play!
SOPHIE LACOSTE, Atelier Reinette
How is your bed? It's a big goose down comforters, and also crocheted blanket made by my grandmother. Which kind of meal you do not like? My taste for meat has disappeared with time. In fact I dislike it! And your favourite? I love vegetables from the garden, and also I'm crazy about chocolate! Your favorite book to read? I like the "Martine" series of book! Have you got an imaginary friend? I have a imaginary double child, her name is Mary, my middle name, and when I do something wrong I is saying : "it's not me it's Marie".
Let's introduce u : LieseLotte
LieseLotte by Jäll & Tofta (Sina Gwosdzik and Jakob Dannenfeldt.) is a very versatile creature indeed: she likes to play indoors and out in the fresh air and doesnt even mind you sitting on her. She is two-faced in a good sense - you can tip her any way you want but she will always have one nose pointing in the right direction. She is made out of recyclable foam with a wipeable surface and can be found exclusively in our webshop. LieseLotte will be produced exclusively for you! GREAT!
MANDY, illustrator, Belle and boo How is your bed? It is pink and velvet and I imagin a princess sleeps in a bed like mine. Which kind of meal you do not like? I do not like stew, yuk! And your favourite? My favourite meal is chicken and chips and hot chocolate fudge cake with vanilla ice cream Your favorite book to read? My favourite book is Milly-Molly-Mandy, I like to colour in the pictures also. Have you got an imaginary friend? Yes he is a funny rabbit called Boo!
Belle & Boo
Illustrations by Mandy Sutcliffe of Belle and boo. Enjoy!
How is your bed? one-person bed, with many plush inside: my familly, and my game under the bed, with a lot of blanket.
Which kind of meal you do not like? I dind’t like green bean! And your favourite? My favorite was home made mum’s burgers. Your favorite book to read? Martine (Tini) Have you got an imaginary friend? Not really, I had two sisters, a twins and an older and many friends in my neighbourhood, so I had no time to have an imaginary friend.
Pillows to dream
"Pillows are her dreams and from now on they are yours". Marika Giacinti ... S U P E R !
Say cheese !
The Juice Box Camera : a 35mm camera for lo-fi snaps and gorgeous vignetting! SMILE !
STACIE SWIFT, illustrator
How is your bed? My bed is tall, the top of a set of bunkbeds. My little sister sleeps on the lower bunk. I like climbing the ladder up into my bed and watching the birds and rainbows on my wall.Which kind of meal you do not like? I don’t like fish, not even fish fingers. And your favourite? I like to eat jam tarts, my mum makes them with me in our little kitchen. Your favorite book to read? I like Mr Men and Little Miss books, I have a big collection. I think I would be Little Miss Chatterbox. Have you got an imaginary friend? I don’t have an imaginary friend but my dad makes up lots of friends for me, he tells me lots of stories about animal friends he meets each day!
Seasonal eating with Mousie !
A wonderful work for a children's book by Stacie Swift on seasonal eating with Mousie as the central character. Let's learn!
Nan Goldin: fireleap
"Fireleap is Nan Goldin latest slideshow, displaying images of children from 1978 until today, most of which have never been shown. Children, primarily for their state of freedom and natural innocence, fascinate Goldin. They make their own rules, living in a free zone utterly their own, like beings from another planet. Photographing the children of friends, as well as her Godchildren, Goldin offers a view of their raw emotions ranging from wildness to melancholy. Fireleap captures a consciousness while it is still unbound by societal boundaries".
Sprovieri Gallery, London, till August 6, 2011
winter's coming soon !
winter with Donna Wilson!
DONNA WILSON, designer
How is your bed? My bed is one of my favourite places, even when I'm not tired I like to get into bed and chat on the phone or just relax! I have a big feather duvet and then a nice blanket on top, very cosy. Which is your favourite meal? I love Thai food especially green curry with sticky rice. I like most foods but my least favourite would be sandwiches ! Your favorite book to read? I'm embarrassed to say I don't read many books. I'm always too tired or prefer to draw or sketch. Or look at pictures! Sometimes I will get into a book but it takes me a long time to read and I get impatient to find out what happens. Have you got an imaginary friend? Not any more, my mum said that I used to, he was called googie and he used to ride on the back of my bike with me. No I talk to my creatures as if they are real people sometimes!
PATRICIA GEIS, illustrator How is your bed? Now that I have a new baby brother and I’m a big girl, I sleep in a huge white bed! With a white and light cover in summer and a heavy tartan blanket in winter. Which kind of meal you do not like? I don´t like spinachs at all even if Popeye is so strong because he eats al lot of them! And your favourite? I love lemon pie and potato chips. Your favorite book to read? My favourites are all the Tove Jannson’s Moomins books. They are so surprising and funny. I love their black and white illustrations. Have you got an imaginary friend? I don’t, but my brother has one. His name is Cacholis. I have never seen him.
Plastique ludique in Paris
Lorsque j’ai dessiné les différents petits animaux, j’avais avant tout à l’esprit l’idée que l’enfant puisse jouer avec le jouet de la façon la plus créative possible ( Libuše Niklová)
Plastique ludique : Libuše Niklová (1934-1981), designer de jouets 9 June–6 November 2011
Les Arts Décoratifs /107 rue de Rivoli / Paris