Bartsch (Gala and Nicolas based in Paris) brings back into fashion the French tradition of decorative painting by imagining collections for children, with modern patterns and colors. M A G I C !
JUST PICS: for girls
Super ! thank u Barbatruc
Vintage toy!
1920s Swiss Bauhaus toy! S U P E R
ANAIS MOREL, designer, Les M
How is your bed? So big than I can hide me inside Which kind of meal you do not like? I really hate the brussels sprout
And your favourite? The alphabet soup!
Your favourite book to read? Hansel and Gretel Have you got an imaginary friend? No but when i sleep i often imagine that my dolls are alive.
CELINE MERHAND, designer, Les M How is your bed? Mine is too big for me and full of cushions Which kind of meal you do not like? Brussels sprout ! And your favourite? My father’s apple pie is the best. Your favourite book to read? “Martine fait la cuisine” (“Martine is cooking”). Martine tells her everyday stories and when she’s cooking there is the recipe! It’s how i learned to make French toast for example. I really enjoy it! Have you got an imaginary friend? All my friends are for real!
Super pillow-cocoon
"Pillow" workshop for children by Les M design studio at the Centre Pompidou-Metz till 16th January 2012 ! Do not miss!
Materials: polyether foam, polystyrene and fabrics,500 x 380 x 55 cm. Photos Credits: Valérie Tholl.
ABIGAIL BROWN, textile artist How is your bed? It’s covered in a quilt made by my mum and hundreds of teddies! Which kind of meal you do not like? Spaghetti bolognaise because it made me sick. And your favourite? Leek and ham au gratin. Your favorite book to read? The Hairy Toe. Have you got an imaginary friend? A magpie called Peter.
Cip-Cip, let's fly!
'My grandma had a beautiful patchwork bag she kept all her fabric scraps in, ‘ the raggy bag’, and when I was old enough to display my feelings of desire for this magical object full of wondrous bits of colour, pattern and texture, she made me my very own, much littler version.' says Abigail Brown, textile artisan and artist of these wonderful creations!
FONG QI WEI, photographer
How is your bed? My bed is a double decker bed where I sleep on top and my sister is below. We always have fun playing games in a vertical fashion! What kind of meal do you not like? I dislike fish dishes that have lots and lots of bones! And which is your favourite? And my favourite meal is my father's beef soup! Your favourite book to read? My favourite book will have to be Roald Dahl's Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator! Have you got an imaginary friend? No I don't! But I have lots of figurines (M.A.S.K.) toys that I like to play with!
Old Singapore playgrounds
Fong Qi Wei Old Singapore playgrounds series was created to remember and celebrate a part of Singapore’s history. These old playgrounds were built in the 80′s and early 90′s, and have a distinctive retro design element which is unmistakable.
D R E A M !
Colours on ... floor!
Pernille Snedker Hansen from snedker studio, Denmark, has repurposed an old marbling technique giving wood a supernatural, organic, colorful and vibrant pattern. Marbelous Wood reveails the mysteries in wood, exposing its story and immense details embodied in nature. M A G I C !
How is your bed? My bed is big, tall, white and confortable. A lot of cushions on it and a little window next to my pillow let me observe all around remaining all covered under my sheets. Which kind of meal you do not like? I do not like fruit! And your favourite? I love and live with my grandmother's meatballs. Your favorite book to read? The Sophie Fatus' illustrated book named OH OH, Emme Edition. Lovely and suggestives drawings and a lot of stories to imagine. Have you got an imaginary friend? Yes I have. His name is Pallino. Shhh... speak softly, otherwise he wakes up..
Let's play with Anita & co!
Anita (little chicken), Annibeth (little bird), Vincenzo (little donkey ), Giotto (little sausace dog), Frivolo (little fish) are puppet animals ideated by Maria Piovano! Grembiulacci and bavagliacci are from Maria's cooking clothing collection LINE KARKLUDE, realized from old dishtowels (called strofinacci in Italian)... S U P E R !
FILM by Tacita Dean, Unilever Series, Tate Modern, London. DO NOT MISS!
Courtesy the artist, Frith Street Gallery, London and Marian Goodman Gallery, New York/Paris. Photo: Lucy Dawkins
The Art Of Tidying Up !
Let's try to do the same! Ursus Wehrli, The Art Of Tidying Up ©2011 by Kein & Aber Verlag, Zürich-Berlin
LILLY BLUE, creative director, BIG kids magazine
How is your bed? It is as big as a grown ups next to a window the size of the sky. It feels like I am sleeping in a tree house. Which kind of meal you do not like? I don't like spice bags in my spaghetti! And your favourite? I love peanut butter on a spoon. Your favorite book to read? The Far Away Tree by Enid Blyton - my mum reads it to me. Have you got an imaginary friend? Yes, it is a girl called Lilly exactly the same as me. The real me climbs and hides in the tree tops and the imaginary me gets up to all kinds of mischief.
JO POLLITT, creative director, BIG kids magazine
How is your bed? It is against the wall and with a yellow bedspread to match the yellow curtains my mother made. My brother's bed is a train built by my mother with a toy box engine and on the top bunk our cat births two white kittens which means he sleeps on the floor. Which kind of meal you do not like? I do not like brussel sprouts. And your favourite? I love "meelies" (corn on the cob) and dip-it-in bolied eggs with soldiers. I love walking up to the deli with 50cents to choose Sunday sweets. Your favorite book to read? A Very Worried Sparrow, Little Peter Rabbit, The Flopsy Bunnies and Milly Molly Mandy. Have you got an imaginary friend? No, I play 'schools' under the house with 3 children over the fence and make friends with the circus children in the park opposite. I push my dolls in the wheely washing basket and believe they are alive. I write to my 'sister' in a diary. I have only a brother.
BIG kids magazine !
BIG Kids Magazine is an Australian-made biannual creative arts magazine that provides an immersive, interactive and imaginative arts experience for children of all ages. Driven by discovery, experimentation and response, BIG invites children to participate in topical conversations about art and the world. Congratulation Jo Pollitt and Lilly Blue!
JURE KOTNIK, architect How is your bed? My bed was wooden, painted in red and with pull-out red boxes for the toys beneath. Which kind of meal you do not like? I didn’t like red cabbage! And your favourite? My favourite meal was home made pizza. Your favorite book to read? A collection of children’s encyclopedias that I got under Christmas tree. Have you got an imaginary friend? My parents often laugh to my imaginary friends that I had once with on familiy trip.